40th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Clinical Neurophysiology

Thursday, October 24th 2024 

Kultur und Kongresshaus Aarau

Kindly supported by:

Main sponsors


Prize for Best Dissertation - Swiss League Against Epilepsy



Registration & Welcome Coffee




PD Dr. med. Andrea Humm, Fribourg

Topic I: ENMG-Session

Chair: Dr. med. et phil.II Anne-Kathrin Peyer Kauffmann, Liestal and
               Dr. med. Sara Nagy, Basel

Systemic amyloidosis and polyneuropathy:
the role of skin biopsy for early diagnosis


Prof. Dr. med. Giorgia Melli, Lugano

Paediatric clinical neurophysiology and high resolution nerve ultrasound imaging


PD Dr. med. Philip Broser, St. Gallen

Coffee Break and Industry Exhibition


Topic II: EEG-Session

Chair: Prof. Dr. med. Pierre Mégevand, Geneva

What is a spike and who (or what) finds it?


Prof. Dr. med. Sandor Beniczky, Danish Epilepsy Centre, Aarhus

EEG Quiz


Dr. med. Noëlle Mercier, Lavigny

Lunch Break and Industry Exhibition


Symposium by Jazz Pharmaceuticals Switzerland GmbH


Challenges in the management and treatment of patients with Dravet Syndrome and Lennox Gastaut Syndrome in transition to adulthood
Prof. Dr. med. Alexandre Datta, Basel

Parallel Session SFND

13.00 - 16.00

Session Swiss Association of Young Neurologists (SAYN)

Chair: Annaelle Zietz, Basel and PD Dr. med. Paolo Ripellino, Lugano

SAYN presentations


Young neurologists will present interesting patients or their original research in clinical neurophysiology. From the submitted abstracts, three speakers will be selected for each of the three techniques: EEG, ENMG and Neurosonography.

Coffee Break and Industry Exhibition


Topic III: Sonography-Session

Chair: PD Dr. med. Georg Kägi, St. Gallen 

Haemodynamic stroke:
Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, causes


Prof. Dr. med. Susanne Wegener, Zürich (15-20 min)

Case 1:   Dr. med. Corinne Inauen, Zürich (15 min)
Case 2:   PD Dr. med. Henrik Gensicke, Basel (15 min)
Case 3:   Dr. med. Jochen Vehoff, St. Gallen (15 min)

Public Award SAYN-Session


SGKN / SSCN General Assembly





You will receive the following credits for this congress:

SGKN / SSCN: 8 Credits
SNG: 8 Credits
SGNP: 8 Credits

SAYN presentations Abstracts

Call for Abstracts

Dear Young Neurologists of Switzerland,

During this year’s Annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Clinical Neurophysiology, The SAYN will chair and organize a session of clinical case presentations. We invite you to submit an abstract for this session, describing original research or an interesting clinical situation that you encountered. Selected contributions will be presented during the meeting. Three prizes of CHF 1'000 each will be awarded by the attendees!

Submission guidelines

  1. Your abstract may be submitted online with your registration below. File format is .docx.
  2. Abstract deadline is October 7, 2024.
  3. Abstracts should contain original material and must be submitted in English.
  4. Please structure your abstract using the following headings:
    a) For case reports: Introduction – Case description – Conclusion.
    b) For original research: Introduction – Methods – Results – Conclusion.
  5. Please indicate the section (EEG/ENMG/Sono) together with your abstract.
  6. The body of the abstract’s text may not be longer than 2’500 characters, including spaces. Title, authors, affiliations, and any potential disclosures do not count toward this maximum.
  7. Do not use abbreviations in the title. Limit their use to commonly used abbreviations and expand all abbreviations at first mention.
  8. Your submission will be confirmed by e-mail.


Kultur- und Kongresshaus Aarau

Framed by architectural sophistication between modernity and classical elegance, the kultur & kongresshaus aarau, an institution of the city of Aarau, presents itself.

Centrally located on Schlossplatz, the entrance to Aarau's old town.


Please register online:

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If you have any further questions please contact the SGKN/SSCN office